Tag: Online Mushroom


I. Understanding Magic Mushrooms and ‘Trips’

Magic mushrooms, scientifically known as Psilocybin mushrooms, have a long history of use in spiritual and therapeutic practices. These fungi contain psilocybin, a compound that, when ingested, is converted to psilocin, which produces hallucinogenic effects.

These effects can lead to a ‘trip,’ a term that describes the hallucinogenic experience that lasts anywhere from four to six hours. A trip can be a positive, insightful experience but can also turn into a ‘bad trip,’ characterized by negative feelings, fear, paranoia, and anxiety. It’s important to remember that a bad trip, while distressing, is temporary and manageable.

II. Prevention: The Best Strategy

Preventing a bad trip is the most effective strategy. This involves understanding your mindset (your mental state) and setting (the environment where you consume mushrooms) – both crucial factors influencing your trip.

Before consuming magic mushrooms, ensure you’re in a positive mental state, free from significant stress, anxiety, or emotional upheaval. Taking mushrooms in a safe, comfortable, and familiar environment is also recommended. Being in the company of a trusted friend, preferably someone experienced or sober, can also provide reassurance.

III. Strategies During a Bad Trip

If you find yourself on a lousy trip, remember it is temporary and will pass. Here are some strategies you can employ to manage the situation.

Firstly, remind yourself that you’ve taken a drug and the feelings you’re experiencing are temporary. Breathing exercises can also help to reduce anxiety and induce calm. Taking long, slow breaths in, holding for a few seconds, and then exhaling slowly can help to reduce your heart rate and generate a sense of calm.

If you’re in an uncomfortable environment, consider moving to a quieter, more comfortable space if it’s safe. Changing the music or lighting can also shift the mood. Speaking with a trusted friend or guide who can reassure you and keep you grounded during the experience is also beneficial.

IV. Post-Trip Care

Once the effects of the mushrooms have worn off, it’s essential to take care of your physical and mental health. Eating nutritious food, hydrating, and getting plenty of rest can help to restore your body’s balance.

Additionally, reflecting on your experience can help you process any difficult emotions or thoughts that emerged during the trip. Some people find it helpful to write about their experience in a journal or discuss it with a friend or therapist. Remember, feeling emotionally sensitive after a bad trip is typical, and giving yourself time and space to recover is essential.

V. Final Thoughts: Safe Use of Magic Mushrooms

In conclusion, while magic mushrooms can offer profound and often positive experiences, the potential for a bad trip exists. It’s essential to prioritize your mental and physical well-being and understand how to prevent and navigate a lousy journey. Remember that magic mushrooms, like any psychoactive substance, should be approached cautiously and respectfully. Always adhere to local laws, as the legal status of magic mushrooms varies by country and region. Most importantly, you consume magic mushrooms responsibly, safely, and in a supportive and controlled environment.


  1. Introduction to Magic Mushroom Strains

Magic mushrooms, known scientifically as Psilocybe, encompass over 200 distinct species found across the globe. They all share a standard feature, the presence of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound. However, it’s essential to understand that not all magic mushrooms are created equal. Different strains can vary greatly in their potency, growth characteristics, and the nature of the experiences they provide.

Magic mushrooms can be divided into several species, each with its strains. Some of the most well-known species include Psilocybe cubensis, Psilocybe semilanceata, Psilocybe azurescens, and Psilocybe cyanescens. Each species has various strains that exhibit different characteristics Shrooms Delivery.

  1. Psilocybe Cubensis Strains

Psilocybe cubensis is the most widely recognized and cultivated species of magic mushrooms. Its popularity stems from its ease of growth, robust nature, and moderate potency, making it ideal for beginners. Various strains of P. cubensis offer subtle differences in power and effects.

For instance, the Golden Teacher strain is revered for its balanced effects, providing a blend of spiritual connection, euphoria, and visual hallucination. On the other hand, the Penis Envy strain, known for its unusual appearance, is considered one of the most potent P. cubensis strains, providing intense and long-lasting effects.

  1. Other Noteworthy Strains

While P. cubensis is the most commonly encountered species, others also boast notable strains. For example, Psilocybe semilanceata, also known as the Liberty Cap, is a wild mushroom native to the northern hemisphere. It’s renowned for its high potency and deeply introspective experience.

Psilocybe azurescens, native to the U.S. Pacific Northwest, is one of the most potent species of magic mushrooms. Its intense effects make it a favorite among experienced psychonauts. However, it’s essential to approach this strain with caution due to its potency.

  1. Choosing the Right Strain

Selecting the right strain of magic mushrooms depends on several factors, including your experience with psychedelics, desired effects, and the environment in which you plan to consume them. Newcomers to psilocybin may want to start with a less potent strain, like Golden Teacher, to acclimate to the experience gently.

It’s important to remember that everyone reacts differently to psilocybin, and a strain that works well for one person might not have the same effect on someone else. Therefore, the key is to start with a small dose, assess your reaction, and adjust as necessary in subsequent sessions.

In conclusion, while all magic mushrooms share the common trait of containing psilocybin, the diversity of strains provides a broad spectrum of experiences. By understanding these differences, you can better choose a strain that aligns with your desired effects, making for a safer and more enjoyable exploration of psilocybin. Always remember, though, to treat these potent natural compounds with the respect they deserve, and to consume them responsibly.


Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic substance mainly found in fungi like mushrooms. It is more known colloquially as ‘magic mushrooms.’ Currently, its’ use in Canada is illegal unless granted an exemption

Psilocybin substances are listed under Schedule 1 drugs by the UN nations; such a drug has very high abuse potential and no recognized medical purposes. Canada has lifted some restrictions, allowing Psilocybin’s use under certain exemptions and conditions. Below is a detailed guide on the legalization of Psilocybin in Canada Golden mammoth Shrooms Online.

Psilocybin as a drug

Psilocybin is obtained from different dried and fresh mushrooms, and it originated in Mexico and the United States. Psilocybin mushrooms are abused by being eaten orally; they may also be used as food ingredients or as a tea herb. It causes hallucinations in its users; medically, it is used to treat depression.

Liberalization of Psilocybin is being pushed vigorously by the current nascent industry. The current Canadian Laws and regulations make it difficult and violate the Constitutional rights of Canadians in dire need of Psilocybin. Psilocybin can be effectively used to treat addiction and end-life distress.

Regulation levels

Canada has some regulations and prohibition levels of psilocybin mushrooms under the Canadian Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act allows Psilocybin to be produced legally under a license or an exemption. Such types of immunity, as witnessed with cannabis, will force the Canadian government to make a legal framework for both the medical and recreational use of Psilocybin.

Currently, it is illegal to possess and sell magic mushrooms. It is legal to use Psilocybin after being granted a health exemption, while cultivating these mushrooms is unlawful, and mushroom spores are permitted as they do not contain Psilocybin.

Online dispensaries are locally available even though they are illegal, and they sell Psilocybin in micro-doses. Psilocybin dispensaries are opening and operating in Canada under a similar model to Cannabis pre-legalization cannabis retail operations.

Under the Foods and Drugs Regulations, individuals and companies can apply to produce, sell, assemble, transport, deliver, send, export, and import psilocybin as a licensed dealer. However, their operations are restricted and keenly watched by the government.

Physicians can currently request psychedelic access for their patients with serious medical conditions. Intensive efforts are being put in place to obtain medical and research exemptions from the relevant authorities. This is a promising development.

In September 2019, the Vancouver Council voted down a motion that would lead to increased enforcement efforts against Psilocybin’s sale.
In 2020, health professionals got permission to use Psilocybin to aid in developing the therapies that will be used for future use.

2021, psilocybin therapy is administered to treat and cure mental health problems and conditions with granted exemptions. In August 2021, research was carried out in Canada. Eighty-two percent of Canadians approve of using Psilocybin to assist therapy for mentally disabled people.

In October 2022, Alberta Province, in Canada, announced the plans to legalize all psychedelics and Psilocybin for medicinal use from January 2023. This acts as a guide on the legalization of Psilocybin in Canada.

Recently, Vancouver has specifically requested that the personal use of psilocybin mushrooms be exempted in a limited and precise quantity.


The article above provides a detailed guide on legalizing Psilocybin in Canada. The exemptions, majorly with health, came from the illegal black market, as many Canadians are estimated to use Psilocybin for recreational use. Do you think Canada will legalize the use of Psilocybin for medical and recreational use?


In quest of being good (creative and innovative) at what one aspires to do or got passion for, people microdose various drug substances, with mushrooms being one of the popular substances. This high consumption of the product is attributed to growth in creativity. This article for What is Microdosing Mushrooms

Microdosing mushrooms have shown positive trends in this line of human performance. The article elaborates on the growth instance as one uses the product repeatedly.

High human focus and concentration

Micro-dosing mushroom has an excellent nutrient value that has brought about growth or improved human brain performance; creativity means one has high levels of concentration and steady focus in production.

Being innovative entails good research skills to produce viable and feasible ideas in creativity and solutions for problem-solving. Consistent microdosing builds one’s focus and enhances concentration, thus growth in creativity.

Increased collaboration and communication

Most users of mushrooms as their microdose substances have attested to good creative skills; all of these are linked to good communication and strong interpersonal skills.

The social value benefit of the product has led to improved social interactions such as collaboration; other than just being able to communicate well, good soft skills such as communication and cooperation is often viewed as those with creative and fast mind processing. It is observed that mushroom users have linked the product to creativity.

Reduction in depression and fear

Another benefit of repeatedly micro-dosing mushrooms that has contributed to the substance being linked to humans’ creativity growth is that it helps reduce depression.

High substance consumption has diminished the depressed state of human minds, building their mental health and human aggressiveness. A fearful brain and one less depressed are focused more and illustrate high creativity levels.

More openness and compassion

Generally, observing those who consume mushrooms as their microdose substance has steady and stable mental health with little to no seclusion. Such individuals are composed and compassionate in their social interactions; with improved communication skills, they have become more open in their public interactions. Attributes such as openness, stable mental health status, and compassion contribute primarily to one’s critical and creative thinking.

Increased mood

Regular microdoses of mushrooms have registered similar and common traits irrespective of their locations. They are mainly in a happy or joyous mood with improved anxiety feelings.

They also have high spirits and heightened social interactions alongside creative and composed individuals; with high anxiety levels, one thinks more to get things working and going, and good thinking is often an instance of creativity.


Micro-dosing mushrooms are entirely attributed to building and improving human creativity and critical thinking as shown by signs and actions by the users of the substance signs such as increased moods, high focus, and concentration, among key positive signs.

What Is Good with Psilocybin Mushroom Used to Treat PTSD?

Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic chemical that is found in some varieties of mushrooms that grow in Europe, Mexico, South America, and the United States. Such mushroom varieties are called magic mushrooms. It has benefits when used to treat PTSD.

Psychedelic therapy uses the psilocybin from magic mushrooms to treat mental health complications. This substance has some side effects both positive and negative when prescribed to a patient. It is known of inducing hallucinations when administered which may sound good or bad. Nevertheless, let us narrow it down to its positive effects on the user.

Mystical experiences

These are extremely meaningful experiences that people or patients undergo under the influence of psilocybin. It serves to shift their mindset from what is mediocre to what is meaningful. When dealing with trauma, psilocybin gives a refreshed state of thoughts and new reasonability is gained. This makes them think or behave differently from their initial state.

Increased suggestibility

Psilocybin mushroom used to treat PTSD disorder enables its users to be more suggestive. They give reasonable and meaningful suggestions which indicate the refreshment state they attain. This can enable them to be more responsive to the positive suggestions from a therapist attending to them. 

Causes neurotransmitter change

Neurotransmitters body cells that work like chemical messengers in the human body. Normally, most mental wellness drugs act directly on the neurotransmitters to enable a person to change their mood. This is the same with psilocybin. It changes the brain’s state of behavior and hence changes the mood. This is a good working principle that effectively enhances mental health. 

Deals with a terminal illness

Having a head-on knock with the news of a diagnosis of deadly infections can be scary and generates a lot of anxiety about death or what will come next. Research has proved that psychedelic therapy plays an important role, especially in Psilocybin mushroom used to treat PTSD, where it purports to ease this existential dread and the anxiety and fear that accompany it. 

Depression and fear

Psilocybin mushrooms used to treat PTSD disorder may also ease the symptoms of depression and fear among people who are facing serious illnesses. Research has also proved it right when the respondents in a research study shared their experience and proved a significant reduction in depression, anxiety, and also stress following their psychedelic experience. 

Helps ease the effects of hallucinating trauma

Psychedelic treatment involving psilocybin may help ease the effects of trauma. Sometimes the levels of demoralization go high among people which may result in serious mental troubles. Following a recently done research, participants attended therapy sessions and were given a dose of psilocybin. After three months there was a significant reduction in participants’ signs of demoralization.

Gets rid of addiction

There are emerging research bodies that suggest that psychedelic therapy may yield positive results to ease the symptoms of addiction. Addiction is related to other mental disturbances such as depression. Let us consider a research scenario 15 participants were recruited by researchers and administered to them both psilocybin and cognitive-behavioral quit-smoking programs. 

A year later, 67% had stopped smoking completely. Therefore, psilocybin is a plant compound that scientists suggest can stop addiction to something.


In summary, the use of melmec penis envy in psychedelic therapy has got a vast number of advantages that are helpful and useful when it comes to the field of mental health. More research, when done will prove it right that psilocybin is working and is beneficial.  

How to Prepare for a magic mushroom Trip?


Taking magic mushrooms is similar to climbing a mountain. The views are good enough to justify it, but you shouldn’t rush up there unprepared. Certain risks may arise along the route. Many deadly mushrooms resemble’ magic mushrooms,’ and pickers are prone to mistaking them. People have died as a result of eating a deadly mushroom. 

What emotions does it elicit in you? 

The potency of magic mushrooms varies according to their freshness, season, and location. The strength of magic mushrooms is extremely difficult to anticipate. That is why it is important to know How to take magic mushrooms safely. When most individuals consume mushrooms, the world looks distorted to them. Colors, noises, things, and even time might all appear dissimilar. 

How to Prepare for a magic mushroom Trip? 

The major psychedelic component in magic mushrooms is psilocybin, which attaches to a serotonin receptor in the brain, causing what scientists describe as an “altered state of consciousness.” Perception is warped, time perception is blurred, and reality is seen in an altogether different way in these states. Psilocybin can cause hallucinations and deep introspective experiences that might be classified as spiritual or mystic. 

These states of mind can lead to discoveries and ideas that would not have occurred in a regular state of consciousness. For many people, going through these experiences may be a healing and uplifting process. However, when under the influence of magic mushrooms can cause a “bad trip,” which can involve paranoia, anxiety, panic attacks, and briefly losing touch with reality. To avoid bad tripping this is how to take magic mushrooms Safely or the guidelines. 

  1. Relax: Psilocybin has the potential to severely disturb typical psychological processes, forcing us to confront difficult facts about ourselves – or the world – that we may prefer to leave unsolved regularly. Also, make sure you got enough to sleep the night before, as being exhausted might have a bad impact on your vacation. 
  1. Feel secure: Make sure you’re in a relaxing and familiar environment, such as your living room. If something in your surroundings makes you feel nervous or puts you at risk, don’t eat the mushrooms. 
  1. Select the best company:  Humans are social organisms, and the presence of a friend or adversary may alter our entire state of mind. Don’t buy shrooms and take them with someone you don’t feel comfortable around. 
  1.  simply let go: Do not try to direct or control what occurs to you when under the influence of shrooms. Make yourself an engaged observer. Understand that everything that happens to you in that time is part of the experience, and as such, even though it feels terrible or uncomfortable at the time, it may offer you valuable insight. 


There is always a danger with any drug usage, and it is up to each user’s sense of responsibility to determine whether they are willing to go through the experience. How to take magic mushrooms safely should be a number one priority to avoid the risks.