Intervention for a Marijuana Problem

Marijuana is a drug acquired from the cannabis plant. This plant is typically dried out the ground and smoked in paper like a cigarette or pipe-like tobacco. It also comes in the form of foods, such as baked goods and candies, that contain the active ingredient in marijuana, Tetrahydrocannabinol, and produce the same effects as smoking. Marijuana is legally accepted in some states for either medical use or recreational use. Medically, marijuana is used for stress and pain relief and to achieve appetite. Recreationally, it is used for its calming effects and to achieve the notorious “high.” Marijuana’s street names include; pot, dope, ganja, grass, mary jane, reefer, and weed.  Marijuana, however, has its tremendous effects on human health which includes: feelings of happiness, mild hallucinations, increased appetite, and reduced anxiety. The long term mild effect of marijuana is addiction and withdrawal. This is expounded below. 

Marijuana Addiction  

Marijuana has a long history of legislation for and against its use. Fueled by mixed feelings and misinformation, confusion about the existence and risks of marijuana addiction is still around today. However, it is widely accepted that both marijuana addiction and withdrawal are real. Marijuana addiction can be clinically diagnosed and harms a person’s life. People can develop a psychological dependence on marijuana in the same way other addictions develop. Continued usage of marijuana despite the negative consequences, one may have an addiction. 

Cannabinoid receptors in the brain are activated by a neurotransmitter called Anandamide when an individual uses marijuana. Tetrahydrocannabinol mimics and blocks the actions of neurotransmitters called Anandamide, to the point where the body no longer produces sufficient Anandamide on its own. The user’s brain, therefore, gets programmed to need marijuana just to feel normal. In the event of the user reducing the rate of bringing in THC into the body, he/she often experience withdrawal symptoms that result from lack of Anandamide. The act of needing quitting marijuana usage but feeling unable to is a strong indication of an addiction. 

An addiction heavily impacts the way a person thinks, feels and acts. Many individuals with addictive disorders are aware of their problems but have difficulty stopping on their own. Consumption of marijuana repeatedly over time builds up a tolerance. Tolerance occurs when someone needs to use larger amounts of marijuana to achieve the same effects as in the introduction. Addiction makes one have the urge to continue using marijuana to avoid uncomfortable symptoms of withdrawal. At the time of realization of addiction, marijuana has already seized control making users prioritize its use over everything else that was once important in their lives. 


Statistics show that no one ever plans to become an addict. Countless reasons drive one to become an addict. Some are driven by curiosity and peer pressure, while others are looking for a way to relieve stress. Children who grow up in marijuana consumption environments as well have the risk of developing a marijuana abuse they grow. Oftentimes people who become addicted to marijuana do not believe they can be addicted, which is why they haven’t gotten help. An intervention is the perfect time to present marijuana addicts with facts for marijuana is addictive and can harm their life. 

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