How to use cannabis

Cannabis is also known as Marijuana or bhang’. Cannabis use has both positive and negative impacts on the body of a human being. However, many people thinks that it cannot bring any benefit to the body but only harmful effects. This makes it to be banned in many countries. However, this is the case if it’s not taken in the prescribed quantities. 

Health benefits 

Cannabis use can be advantageous in the following ways when taken in a monitored way and if not abused; 

Alcohol substitute. According to scientists, research has shown that cannabis is safer than alcohol therefore, for one to reduce alcoholism, you can use it in place of alcohol. 

Treatment of bowel diseases. It helps to block compounds and bacteria that causes intestinal inflammation.  Individuals with this problem therefore can use it for relief. 

Reduces chronic pain. Cannabinoid is a compound present in cannabis that helps in relieving chronic pain. 

Increases lungs capacity.  Smoking cigarettes is known to greatly damage your lungs. However, this is not the case with smoking cannabis as research shows that cannabis does not harm the lungs but instead it increases their capacity. 

Helps in losing weight. It regulates insulin in your body as well as managing your calories intake. This answers the question why its users are not overweight. 

Prevents diabetes. This is due to its capability to stabilize blood sugar levels, lowering blood pressure and improving the circulation of blood. 

Fights cancer. Cannabinoids helps to fight cancer. It might not be able to fight all types but at least it will fight some types. 

Cures depression. It has endocannabinoid compound that stabilizes ones mood. This stability in moods can one way or the other release depression.  

It is used to mend bones or quickening the healing process. 

Regulation seizures. 

 Glaucoma relief although it relieves it for some times. It alleviates anxiety only if it is used in the right dosage.  

Disadvantages of cannabis. 

When used for the wrong purposes or abused, cannabis can cause the following: 


Increases the rate of heart beats thus forcing it work harder this risks the user to heart attack. 

Increases the thoughts to commit suicide mostly in teens. 


It alters the way one speaks and thinks. 

Increases the stroke risks to young people. 

Smoking cannabis can cause: 

  •              Chronic coughing 
  •               Increases thick sputum. 
  •               Wheezing 
  •                Short of breath 

Carcinogen and tar found in cannabis can lead to brain or head cancer. 

Increases stillbirth risk to mothers who smoke during pregnancy. 

It increases confusion, anemia risk and forgetfulness mainly during pregnancy to the mother. 

Addiction. When you take marijuana, you gets addicted in a way that no any part of your body can work without taking it. 


Cannabis use has many health benefits as stated above Shiva Buzz online Cannabis. However, this advantages or health benefits are only for the prescribed dosage. Otherwise, taking it in other dosages other than meant for can lead to adverse effects in your health. Smoking cannabis is not advisable in any given situation unless if you are under the monitoring of a doctor or a health physician.