Although CBD oil is a new product and not much is known about its benefits and working, with the studies that have been carried out so far, it has been confirmed that cannabinoids influence the improvement of immune system of the human beings and animals in general. 

Human beings are prone to bacteria, diseases, viruses and infections which eventually leads to the death of the person. However, when the immune system is strong, it will fight back. The white cells of the blood are normally responsible for fighting diseases in the body. When the system is weak, the potentiality of the body to fight disease is very low, but when the immunity is boosted it will be able to deal with all forms of invaders in the body. 

Being a network of tissues, organs and cells, the immune system destroys foreign particles to keep the body healthy.  The system also eliminates and detects cells that are not working properly. 

Endocannabinoid system discovery is very recent and researchers are still trying to find out its work inside the human body. It has been confirmed that ECS is responsible for maintaining and establishing homeostasis as well as balancing the body systems. The body helps to produce endocannabinoids that regulate or modulate functions of the cell in the immune system. 

 Cannabidiol substance has anti-inflammatory elements responsible for immunomodulatory and immunosuppressant. While acting as an immunosuppressant, CBD does the following: 

  • CBD has properties of anti-inflammation, which reduces inflammatory response to the immune system’s (isolates areas that are infected and prevent the spreading of toxins). 
  • CBD promotes cellular death or apoptosis. 
  • CBD prevents rapid growth of cells or proliferation. 
  • CBD modulates or suppresses the secretion and functioning of cytokines responsible for production of blood cells (white) and immunity. 
  • CBD suppresses chemokine production acting chemoattractants that attacks invading microbes.  
  • CBD suppresses T-cell functioning and production that suppresses ability of immune system in recalling foreign invaders.  

CBD is the best choice for treatment and therapy for people who are autoimmune. This is a condition that is life-threatening because of the immune system not functioning properly, instead of attacking bodies that are unwanted, it attacks cells and tissues that are healthy. Some of the autoimmune diseases include: Huntington’s disease, HIV/AIDS, Lupus, diabetes, fibromyalgia among others. 

Auto immune diseases causes inflammation, taking CBD can contribute to the treatment of inflammation. It can also have a positive impact on people with immune systems that are hyperactive through the properties of CBD. 

Although the findings that have already been found look promising, scientist are still researching to find out the relationship between the immune system and CBD. This research is essential; this is because CBD has a huge potential of being very effective naturally as a therapy for the individuals suffering from autoimmune diseases.